Winning Competitions

As part of the local authority campaign on children's rights, one of our residents won the competition to design a poster. They chose article 16,  the Right to Privacy. Our very own Children Commissioner's Office, has the following to say all about it: -

"I have the right to keep some things private.

Article 16 of the UNCRC makes it clear that children and young people have the right to privacy, just like adults do.

This means that:

they have the right to a private family life
they have the right to a private space where they can go to be alone, even if they’re in an institution
they have the right to keep their phone calls and emails private.

In Scotland, the right to privacy may not be respected if it puts someone in danger. For example, the police may look at a young person's emails if someone who isn’t who they say they are is contacting them."

They have allowed us to share their winning entry so TA DA!!! HERE IT IS.

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