Location: Fife
Living Spaces: 4 group living placements
Genders: Any
Info: Close to Greenacres are links to the Fife Coastal paths, and stunning local beaches with the fishing village of Anstruther a short walk away. Here, there is an escape from busy roads, noisy neighbours, and negative distractions; however, a range of amenities are conveniently located nearby, allowing us to support young people to develop appropriate community networks and attend school, and clubs and activities. Where appropriate, they are supported in maintaining contact with their families and friends. Greenacres is registered with the Care Inspectorate to provide 4 group living places for children and young people of all genders within one house. This service offers specialist provision for autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), complex communication needs, learning difficulties, mental health disorders, physically challenging behaviours, social-emotional behavioural difficulties, and young people who cannot manage group living.